Welcome to Sam’s Creek Church of the Brethren

For Traditional Bible Values
Sunday School Classes for All Ages 10-10:30 AM
Sunday Service 10:30-11:30 AM
Monthly Schedule 2024

Standard calendar dates, depending on other events

Twice Monthly-Children's Story--- dependent on Pastor Paul's-schedule

Fourth Sunday Monthly-New Windsor Community Food Bank Collection (nonperishables)

Fifth Sunday (where occurs in calendar) --10% church offering tithed to local outreach (Westminster Rescue Mission, First Fruits, Shepherd Staff, etc.)

Church News:
Upcoming Events



March 3 -----Church Board Meeting (after church)
March 3 ----Second Area 5 Lenten Service; Piney Creek COB
March 10 ----Daylight Savings Time begins
March 10-----Consecration of Church Leadership
March 10-----One Great Hour of Sharing special offering collected
March 10---- Third Area 5 Lenten Service, Union Bridge COB
March 17---- Spring Council Meeting after church
March 17---- Fourth Area 5 Lenten Service; Glade Valley COB
March 24-----Palm Sunday
March 28-----Maundy Thursday; Love Feast, 7 PM. (Deacon Engagement in lieu of meeting)
March 29- Good Friday
March 31-----Easter Sunday; white altar cloths til Pentecost
March 31-----Fifth Sunday Tithe
April 1-4----District Meat Canning; Sam’s Creek’s Day is April 1.
TBD---------Church Work Week/Spring Cleaning - You choose the day!
May 2-------National Day of Prayer (first Thursday of May)
May 4-------Disaster Response Quilt Auction, Carroll Co. Ag Center
May 7 ------Board Meeting, 6:30 PM
May 12-----Mother’s Day, Child Dedication
May 19-----Pentecost; altar clothes red
May 26-----Church Memorial Service; Trinity Sunday
June 2------Graduate Sunday
June 5------Deacon’s Meeting, 7:30 PM
June 16-----Father’s Day, Children/Youth Program
June 30-----Fifth Sunday Tithe
July 2---------Board Meeting, 6:30 PM
July 3-7----- Annual Church of the Brethren Conference, Grand Rapids, MI
"Welcome + Worthy"; Romans 16:2
July 14--------Gideon Sunday; Church Picnic???
August----------Blessings Closet collections (entire month)
August 21------Deacon’s Meeting, 7:30 PM
August 25------Kingdomtide begins, green altar cloths
September 1-----Labor Day Sunday; Outdoor Service
September 3 ----Board Meeting, 6:30 PM
September 8-----Grandparents’ Day
September 15----Homecoming
September 29----Fifth Sunday Tithe
October 2-------Deacon’s Meeting, 7:30 PM
October 6-------World Communion Sunday, Bread & Cup
October 4-5----District Conference
October 20---Fall Council Meeting
November 2-----Bazaar
November 3-----Harvest Home begins; Daylight Savings ends
November 12---Board Meeting, 6 PM (Tuesday)
November 17---Final Harvest Home collection & blessing
November 24-- Christ the King Sunday
November 28 --Thanksgiving
December 1---Advent starts, purple altar cloths
December 4------Deacon’s Meeting, 7:30 PM
December 15----Gifts for Springfield Hospital Collection
December 15----Children’s Program & Vesper Service, 5 PM
December 25---- White Altar Cloths through Epiphany
December 29-----Fifth Sunday Tithe
January 5-------- -Epiphany Sunday
January 5-------- -Board Meeting after church (2025)

2736 Marston Rd, New Windsor, Md 21776 Phone (410)635-2772